November 11th, 2018
Three people sat in a white room. There were no windows and no doors, and despite the fact that no light could make it in, the room glowed a bright white; making the room look pristine. Two men sat across from each other, and a woman sat next to one of the men. The men were almost mirror images; when one waved the other did as well, but with a laugh; when one said hello the other would say hello as well, but deeper. This practice would continue on for hours. Every time the men would converse, though, the room would grow darker, and shrink. As the room shrank, the three people would have to move their seats closer and closer until they were so cramped that their noses could be touching as if they were in a New York subway at rush hour. As this continued the woman grew sadder as there was nobody mirroring her images; she had to watch the two men converse. Anytime she wanted to speak, she would have to talk to the man next to her; but this didn't please her. The conversation felt empty. There was no connection. The more she had to sit and endure this, the more uneasy she became. Eventually, she became so unhappy from the growing mass of worried thoughts that the room’s light switched off.
After a couple of minutes, the room abruptly illuminated with red light. The woman was now missing. She had left in search of a more comforting room, and the man sat abandoned; realizing that he, too, was alone and depressed. The man across from him no longer laughed. He stared back into his eyes for what felt like hours- trying to find out why they're in this room. He tried to fix the lighting, to open up the room, to mend the emptiness. He searched through every dusty corridor of his brain; but found nothing.
The man now waits aimlessly as he lays his head down. He will not close his eyes because he knows once he does, the room will turn off; and not turn back on.